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Below is a list of the most frequently downloaded articles over the previous 3-months, updated daily.
Top 10 Downloads
1. Using an Orchestration to Process CSV files
by Lisa Tran (Category: Technical--Orchestrator)
Here's another excellent real-world use case for utilizing Orchestrator - importing .csv files and processing them to automatically create entries in E1. The end solution showcases numerous examples of the capabilities of Orchestrator and E1.
2. Interoperability for Audit and Ledger Transactions
by Peter Weiler (Category: Development)
Have you ever been curious about what exactly a Master Business Function is and how they are used in JDE? And what about the role of 'Z Files' in populating interoperability tables for tracking audit changes? It's all here, and more, in this easy-to-understand article.
3. JDEtips Greatest Tips Volume I
by JDEtips, Inc (Category: Cross Functional)
Here at JDEtips, we pride ourselves on providing our readers with as much information about E1 as possible, which is no small feat! We are thrilled to share our 'Greatest Tips' with you, gathered from a selection of our most popular LinkedIn posts.
4. Enabling SSL for E1
by Tim McMurdo (Category: Technical--CNC)
SSL is an essential technology for safeguarding online communication. Avoid leaving your data vulnerable to potential hackers! Refer to this article to learn how to configure SSL in E1, and dispel the myth that SSL connections are slower than unsecured ones.
5. Advanced Warehouse Management System Gotchas
by Andrew Drummond (Category: Distribution--Warehouse Management)
Sometimes it's the little things that count! And when it comes to a complex system like AWMS, lessons learned and tips and tricks from the field are so valuable. Andrew provides some nice 'gotchas' to watch for, especially as you make changes in the future.
6. Calculating Safety Stock Automatically
by Tim Scott (Category: Manufacturing - Forecasting / Planning)
Discover the new functionality in Release 24 (9.2.8.x) for maintaining safety stock levels. This article guides you through the setup process and explains the background calculations, helping you decide which of the three scenarios to use. What a great enhancement to E1!
7. Procure to Pay - Setup and Configuration
by JDEtips, Inc (Category: Distribution--Procurement)
Have you ever considered how the Procurement module plays with other modules like the General Ledger, Inventory, or Accounts Payable? Procurement is an intricate system that seamlessly integrates with other modules within E1. This article serves as an introductory guide to the necessary setup.
8. Dynamic Builds in JDE
by Tim McMurdo (Category: Technical--CNC)
Wait, a fat client is no longer required for package builds?! New with Release 24, the introduction of Web OMW's 'Project Promote' offers a substantial improvement by eliminating a traditionally lengthy process, reducing the risk of downtime, and enhancing end user stability.
9. Real Solutions Using Orchestrator
by Lisa Tran (Category: Technical--Orchestrator)
Another informative article by Lisa that could be titled 'Tales from the Workplace!' Read on to see several case scenarios and solutions to improve daily processes and reduce human error.
10. Unlocking the Mystery of Unapplied Receipts
by Michelle Ennis (Category: Financials--Accounts Receivable)
Ahh yes, unapplied receipts! There is an amazing amount of data involved in something that sounds so straightforward. Understanding not only the flow but the tables that are affected every step of the way is critical. Michelle does a great job of laying it out for us.